Uniting Communities
Keeping families together
One of Uniting Communities’ support services is Ruby’s Reunification Program.
Since 1993, its primary aim has been to keep families together and young people (12-17-year-olds) out of the homelessness sector, as numbers show that the younger a person enters into welfare, the harder it is for them to get out. Ruby’s is more than a service, or a roof over someone’s head. It provides a community that works at resolving conflict and improving family relationships. This is also supported by safe places for young people to stay and a neutral environment for family counseling. Ruby’s has a successful and proven business model that currently sees more than 67% of its youth stay out of the homelessness sector after they have spent time with the Ruby’s community.
Crew designed the Ruby’s brand, style guide and all of its associated collateral to enable Uniting Communities to offer this as part of a package for interstate NGOs to run Ruby’s under license.